BERTEBOS Foundation owns 30% of Bertegruppen AB. Remaining 70% is owned by the Stenström family. Bertegrupen AB includes Berte Qvarn, SIA Glass, Berte Gård, BERTEBOS Foundation and Berte Museum. All the companies are situated in Slöinge.

Berte Qvarn
The platform of the group is Berte Qvarn, existing since medieval times. The family Stenström ownership can be tracked down with certainty as far as to 1569.
Berte Qvarn is, despite its beautifully aged brick building with the old-fashioned milling wheel, one of the most modern mills in Sweden. The origin of the flour is important, and Berte Qvarn only grinds first-class cereals from Sweden.
One of Berte Qvarns many strengths is to be able to grind batches in smaller volumes, thus taking on the characteristics of different kinds of cereals and tailoring flour to customer requirements.
SIA Glass
With our long heritage in mind, SIA Glass is a very young company. SIA Glass was founded in 1961 with the ambition to create work in the small village when a local industry was going out of business.
The growth of this small company is substantial, and today SIA Glass covers 20% of the Swedish market, at the same time as it continues to be the small, family-owned company.
The basic ideas of SIA Glass, that ice cream must be made from real cream and natural primary product, have been really successful. All our ice cream is of course based on genuine ingredients like fresh cream, milk and sugar of Swedish produce.

Berte Gård
Throughout time, a farm and a dairy have always been part of Berte Qvarn. The dairy was closed in the middle of the 20th century, but the farm is still run by the Stenström family. Today, it is a company of its own and Henrik Stenström, married into the family, runs the farm.
In the autumn of 2011 there was a completely new barn built in Vastad, a few kilometers from the farm next to Berte Qvarn. Milk production consists of 240 cows and as many young animals and calves. The area which is used is 300 hectares and 50 hectares of forest.
The new barn also has a conference room and a showroom. From the conference area you can see the barn and the calves.
Berte Museum
Berte Museum is a nostalgia museum that shows country life in various exhibitions. Here you can wander around among all agricultural machines, hand tools , tractors and get acquainted with different craft environments, agricultural stores and schools.
The items have been donated by private individuals, and it is primarily Anders Stenström who has been responsible for gathering and receiving the things we continue to care for for the future.